Tips to Manage Your Exciting Facebook Banner Size
Social media is a media you can use for showing your existence to the world. Thanks to Mark Zuckerberg. Since its first appearance, he and his teams have been developed Facebook; from the contents until the features. Facebook banner is one of development proof of Facebook. We can manage it as we please. But to manage Facebook banner, you must be concern about its size. There are some reasons why we must concern Facebook banner size. We will see it in this article. Let’s check it out.
How to Set Size of Facebook Banner
Facebook banner is a new feature from Facebook. Just as common road-banner, a Facebook banner is used for promoting or showing something. One thing we must be noticed is the size of a Facebook banner. Because of its reason, a Facebook banner size must be suitable for promoting or showing. If you don’t use the best size, your message in your banner won’t be delivered to users. Don’t worry, we here to help you manage your banner size by giving the guidance how to set Facebook banner.
1. Use the Image which is Described Yourself
Facebook banner is has a close relation with images/photos. You must choose the best Facebook cover photos to be used in your banner. The best Facebook cover images are the image which is described yourself. To show your uniqueness, you must be confident to show up yourself, which is showed by your cover photo’s choice. “Yourself” doesn’t mean it must be you in the photo, but you can try several gorgeous cover photos for Facebook, which is suitable to describe “you”.
2. Use the Best Image Resolution
The image resolution is a key for showing the banner message. An excellent banner has a big resolution to make it clearly seen. You can resize the photo for cover photo to makes good resolution of your banner.
3. Dare to be More Creative Creating Your Distinctive Banner
This is the most important step after you have the confidence to describe yourself via the Facebook banner. You can make up other feature to be added exciting things. Example, you can use wonderful profile pictures for Facebook to match up with your beautiful banner.
Try for many Facebook banner photos. There are also Facebook banner templates which can be used for dressing up your Facebook account. Just pay attention to the Facebook banner size, to make something you want to promotes are clearly seen and understand. Keep on updating the latest news to get new information about other interesting articles.

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