If you want to request a payment for certain transactions, you need to make an itemized invoice. To make the invoice interesting, you need to plan the template properly.To make your own itemized invoice templates, you can use Adobe PDF, Ms. Word and also Ms. Excel. So, in this article we will share how to make it.
How to Make Itemized Invoice Templates Using Ms. Excel
Here are some steps to follow in making customized invoice templates:
- Download Ms. Word
- For heading, you should write the name of your company at the top of the screen, then followed by the transaction date
- For details, enter every product in the table and then followed by quantity & price. After that, multiply the price by the quantity and fill it in the subtotal column. Add taxes for to get the result of grand total
- For the payment, you should specify how to pay it and sign the bottom with writing the contract
How to Make Itemized Invoice Templates in Adobe PDF
After you understand the steps above, you can also make itemized invoice templates using Adobe PDF. You just need to download Adobe PDF and then follow the same steps above. It is easy, is not it?
How to Make Itemized Invoice Templates Using Ms. Excel
You can also make specific invoice templates using Ms. Excel. Here are the tutorials that you must follow:
- Download Ms. Excel
- For the heading, write the name of your company, the contact information of your customer, invoice date, number & ID
- For remittance, you should write address, name where you want to send this invoice, total balance due, due date, & name checks
- For account activity, you must write every item under “Description”. It should also include sale date and number sold. Then, multiply the price by number and enter the balance on the right column
- For the current balance, add right column at the bottom. Lastly, add with the information of the contact of your company at the bottom.
That is all the tutorials to create itemized invoice templates. Now, it is your turn to practice it.

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Itemized invoice templates can be made using Ms. Word, Ms. Excel, or Adobe PDF. This article shares how to make it step by step.