Choose the Right Models for Generic Invoice Template
Invoice templates do not only offer in one model because there are a lot of them that exist just like generic invoice template. Before creating the templates, it may look better for you to choose the various models at first. As there are a lot invoice types, there are different models in the template too. Some of the invoices that people use and choose are like the commercial invoice, service invoice, business invoice, invoice with timeless or regular design.
The Timeless Invoice
The simple invoice template is always good and safe for everything. This model looks good and appropriate with any need. The arrangement of the data position is also simple and clean. The design of this model looks special even though it is ordinary. The logo is usually arranged in the let above the table. Then, the invoice title with the code is written in the right.
Then, the table in this invoice which is the same with generic invoice template shows about the standard information like the mailing info and the bill to data. The mailing info writes about the company name and the address. Then, there is id or email that is used for the company. Remember that the email should be the active account.
You should also put the federal tax id with the total amount payment number there, in the same line. On the right side, there is bill to data that shows about the customers’ name with the id. Then, there is information about the customers’ address data with the phone number. In the below, there is another table column that shows about description.
The description shows about hours, rate, and amount. This kind of invoice has different model arrangement with the service invoice template model indeed. It is also with the blank invoice or even the business invoice. When talking about the pro forma model, it is written even more complex than the standard regular model.
The Proforma Invoice Model
The model for the Proforma invoice is quite different with the generic invoice template. The design includes the information about the company name, complete address, phone, fax number, and website that are arranged in the left side while in the right there is date, expiration date, invoice number, and the customer id. Then, there are several tables with various information under which is about the items that customers’ has bought.

Sample General Invoice templates

Free Generic Invoice templates

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General Invoice Form

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Printable General Invoice templates
Generic invoice template has clean and simple model template with several information about the items including the shipping weight, shipping payment, and more.