Download the commercial invoice template to help you make invoice for your business so you can track both billing receipts and invoices in order to handle the business better. You do not need to worry since free templates for commercial invoice are also available anywhere. They are also editable so you can always easily adjust the sections and even formatting to fit your business better.
Free Commercial Invoice Templates
What makes the commercial invoice template different from the other invoice types? The commercial invoice is used specifically for a foreign trade and created when the goods traded are being shipped from a country. This invoice acts as a legal proof of the transaction or to be used by the customs authority.
By using the template for commercial invoice, you can make sure that your commercial business will run in an adept manner by printing out the details regarding the products your business offers, along with the fees charged to your clients.
What to Include
A commercial invoice will also include all the details regarding the buyer and seller, featuring the name and contact address at minimum. Additional contact information can also include the phone and fax number and e-mail address.
Apart from that, the invoice should also include a complete product description along with the price the goods are sold at. As a formal document to help record, the commercial invoice should be signed by the authorized person carrying out the transaction, as well as the one dispatching the goods. And with a template, filling the information in an invoice template related to product price, quantity, taxation, value, and such will be made way easier. A tailored template also helps keep the record of your business free from hassle.
Download Free Commercial Invoice Template
Downloading the commercial invoice template is always easy and even free. There are various file formats you can find, and typically they are for Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, and PDF. Choose whichever you find more comfortable with—template for Excel usually already has formula already added so you only need to fill the invoice with base value.
The commercial invoice form is an important document when it comes to traditional trading, since any goods aren’t allowed to clear customs at their destination country without the document, even if the goods are only samples and do not contain commercial value. Hence, always prepare the commercial invoice as accurately and clearly as possible in order to avoid any problem regarding the shipment. Also bear in mind that this document is part of the Customs requirements, and not the transportation ones. Two copies of commercial invoice are required—one should be with the goods from the pickup to custom clearance. Meanwhile, the other one is attached to the Bill of Lading.

Export Commercial Invoice Template

Generic Commercial Invoice Template

Proforma Commercial Invoice Template

Blank Commercial Invoice Template

Commercial Carrier Invoice Template

Commercial Courier Invoice Template

Commercial Invoice Custom Decleration

Commercial Invoice Packing List

Commercial Seller Invoice Template

Commercial Shipper Invoice Template
Considering the importance of a commercial invoice, using the commercial invoice template is never a bad idea to help and guide you when preparing one as you and your client are engaged in an international trading. This document is required by the Customs of the country where the goods are shipped to before they can enter the country.