When you are doing the financial transactions, there must be a payment involved that is given from one party to another. The payment is usually given proof in the form of a receipt where it covers all the needed information namely the company’s name/brand and icons, the transactions date, the amount of money that needs to be paid, and the detailed list of products and services that are being sold. A receipt is often used as the payment acknowledgment that needs to be shown to redeem the products after the transaction happens. So, if you are the employee responsible for the receipt matter, here are several samples of a free printable receipt template that can be applied to different types of businesses.
Information to be Included in Printable Receipt
Receipt comes in different shapes, designs, and look but they serve the same function as in providing legal financial proof after the payment or purchase have been made. Some receipts can be a legal force if there is an invalidation agreement between the parties involved. Here are several things that need to be included in the good free printable receipt as you need to know.
- Company detailed information. It includes the logo, name, address, phone number, and email address
- Transaction date
- The service or products that are being sold
- Method of payment or purchasing
- The policy of the transaction towards specific situations like item return
At the end of the article, you will find several free printable receipt templates where each of them is professionally created for specific purposes to meet the users’ needs.
Creating Payment Receipt of Ms. Word
Receipt can be made by anyone basically as it serves a simple format that a program like Ms. Word can do wonders with it. Here are the steps for those who want to make a customized payment receipt in Ms. Word.
- Start a New Blank Document
- Create the Header for the Invoice. Include logo, company’s name, and contact details
- Write down the invoice date
- Make use of a unique code for the invoice number on top of the document. Usually, this serves as the reference between the company and clients
- Move to the information of the clients. You need to be detailed for this section. The names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses are at least covered.
- List down the product items or services that are being purchased
- Give the total amount that the clients need to pay. The total sum here must include the items and services price and another necessary fee like taxes. This way, the clients will not need to pay more than what is written.
- Add information of when is the payment due date
- Add how the clients can do pay the transaction
- Include company policy if it is necessary
These steps are only for guidelines as to what points should be added. Yet, we recommend you to make use of our free receipt templates where you can simply download the file and edit it based on your situation.
Types of Free Printable Receipt Template
As we mentioned before, we provide you with some examples of free templates for printable receipts. Each of them is designed carefully to suit the needs and preferences of the users.
Business Receipt Template
Business does need a professional receipt as the acknowledgment of the payment and product/service exchange. The template here demonstrates a business receipt with the details of company name, street address, city, email, and date of transactions.
Car Vehicle Sales Receipt Template
When someone needs to do the transactions related to the car vehicle like renting a car or selling the car, this template can be used as the formal receipt between the two parties. It is used to avoid unfavorable situations between the two parties.
Cash Payment Receipt Template
This template works perfectly to show the cash payment to any product or service which have been exchanged with money. It is also a good alternative if there is no online receipt received for the transactions.
Cleaning Receipt Template
The cleaning service is usually accompanied by the receipt after the payment is carried out. The receipt is given to show that the payment is successful. Aside from that, a cleaning service receipt is beneficial for clients who want to get a refund for unfavorable things that may take place.
Credit Card ACH Payment Authorization Form
This template is useful for the receipt when the third party wants to withdraw the money by using the person’s credit card and consent. It is usually for regular payment on a monthly or weekly basis.
Delivery Receipt Template
This template is designed specifically for delivery receipt purposes. The format is similar to other receipts that include the company’s name and other representative information of the company like the address and the city. It is continued with the delivery information like the items and the recipient.
Deposit Receipt Template
Deposit receipt is a crucial thing when it comes to financial transactions. It is used to show that the payments have been received from the payer. The template is designed professionally that can be used for any deposit receipt purposes.
Donation Receipt Template
When you are about to send some amounts of money or a particular item for donation, you will be given a receipt to show that you have donated. It includes the information of the donator, the items or money being donated, and other related information as in the donator’s address.
Earnest Money Deposit Receipt Template
For those who have purchased a building in real estate, this type of receipt is what they will receive afterward. As the price of the building can be very high, this receipt can act as a legal document in case the seller is about to nullify the agreement between sellers and buyers.
Hotel Receipt Template
This template is favorable to be used for hotel receipt. It covers the information of the hotel room with amenities it serves. If there is another service included, it will be stated too in the receipt like foodservice, parking charge, and taxes.
Overall, receipts have been widely used by numerous businesses all over the world. It creates the fact that each receipt is different than the others, although it serves the same function. Go check our free receipt templates now!